Monday, August 21, 2017

1st Day of School

Ok, so I fully intended to wake up at 0430 to do an awesome workout. Last night I laid my clothes out, staged my supplements, set the alarm, and put the weights in place. Well.....

I hit the snooze button just like I have done all summer. This is because of a few reasons; First it was because I was used to it and second we have a 20 month child asleep in our room. But this is left for another story.

I ended up waking up at 0515 or so and drag myself to the place where everything is already waiting. I quietly take my supplements. Most importantly, I take my pre-workout. It contains caffeine. At this point, my brain is repeating, "Caffeine... Good". I wait a few minutes for it to take effect then start the warmup.
My body feels like the Tin-man from Oz who is in desperate need for oil.
I start running in place. Slow at first then progress to knee high's. There is a favorite workout that I like from Jim Stoppani called "Shortcut to Shred". Two things, it isn't a shortcut and it ain't easy. The idea is to perform 1 minute of cardio between sets. Seems easy and when you watch the explanation video it looks easy. IT AIN'T EASY! But that's ok. Nothing is supposed to be easy. Maybe this is something I should relay to my students?

Some people post before pictures of their workout and/or when they start a workout regimen. I will not do that today. I'm running late .... but I got my workout in.

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